Art from Bali and Indonesia
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Whole collection > Woodcarvings - Post War > TOBO-00386 > View all pictures of this artwork > Picture-2726 (large)

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Wooden statue of Rama transformed into the Hindu god Shiva.
Rama incarnated as the god Shiva. Shiva is one of the most important Hindu gods.For the Hindu it embodies the destroyer as well as the creator. In his 4 hands it holds certain tools like a chakra and a fly flap. Detailed carved sculpture, executed in the old tradition. Maybe this sculpture was made for temple purposes rather than for an art gallery. The seize is too large to put in a suitcase or bag.
Height 53 cm - Width 23 cm - Depth 14 cm
Restauration 2 fingers and some small cracks.
Signature: Nj Bukel (under the base)

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