Art from Bali and Indonesia
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Artwork-code: TOBO-00800
Category: Manuscripts
Description: Wooden and painted lontar container from Bali
Period: 1950-1970
Comment: Much of the special knowledge, rituals, medicin etc, was preserved on lontar leaves. After a month of special treatment the lontar leaves can be preserved for a very long time. A priest writes his text by carving letters into the lontar with a very sharp small knife. When the lontar is full, he slides with his index finger, which is blackened by a special black liquid, over the lontar. Because the black moisture stays in the tiny scratches the letters are visible now. Because there are priceless lontars on Bali, a special box is made to preserve those lontars. And often this box is decorated with special carvings or, like here, with painted illustrations from the Hindu saga Ramayana. The last 2 photos show a priest determining a date for an important event with the help of a lontar and a Bali calendar. Pls click on the photo for more pics&info.
Height in cm: 11
Width in cm: 50
Depth in cm: 6
Signature present: No signature
Location signature:
Quality: Very good quality
Remarks: In proper condition
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