Art from Bali and Indonesia
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Balinese artist-index
(1920 - 1990)

Full name: Ida Bagus Ktut Gelodog
Domicile: Mas
Born: 1912
Died: 1978
Important artist:
Member of Pita Maha:


Important and talented woodcarver. Active between 1930-1950. His father was the well known Ida Bagus Ngoerah. According to Rudolf Bonnet; 'Ida Bagus Ngoerah was a respected artist and scholar in Bali. His sons were highly skilled artists, carvers and painters, and kept the family tradition at a high level. The new carving-style of Ida Bagus Ketoet was therefore well received under the Balinese'. The photo to the left is from the book ' Hundert Tage auf Bali' ,written by Walter Dreessen, where Gelodog performs a dance.

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