Name | Photo | Full name | Info about the artist | Born - Died | Domicile | Important | Pita_Maha | Artwork |
AYUN |  | I Wayan Ayun(Ajun) | Woodcarver who specialised in animal-carvings. When the Dutch secretary of the famous Pita Maha group, M v Wessum, retired she was given a farewell present. This present was a beautiful carving of 2 horses done by I Wayan Ayun. | (.... - ....) | Pelitian | | |  |
BAWA |  | Ida Bagus Bawa | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 5 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
BIMA |  | A A Gede Oka Bima | Two statues from him were displayed during a sales-exhibition in Batavia in 1937. the exhibition was organized by the Pita Maha group. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
BOEN |  | Ida Bagus Njoman Boen | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented there with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Batuan | | |  |
COKOT |  | I Nyoman Cokot | Extraordinary and innovative woodcarver who lived and worked his whole life in the isolated mountain village DJATI, close to SEBATOE. . His carvings were mostly variations of demons. With Ida Bagus Njana he is one of the most famous woodcarvers on Bali. Rudolf Bonnet acquired many of his carvings which he donated to the Volkenkundig museum in Leiden(Netherlands) | (1886 - 1971) | Djati | | |  |
DOYOTAN |  | I Doyotan | Important carver in the thirties.Famous carver for art deco birdcarvings.
He introduced sitting-person-carvings. An example can be seen in the Puri Lukisan Museum in Ubud. | (1884 - 1994) | Mas | | |  |
GELEBUS |  | Dewa Putu Gelebus | His name appears in a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha group in 1936 in Bandoeng. He was represented there with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Batuan | | |  |
GELGEL |  | Ida Bagus Gelgel | His name appears in several exhibition catalogues of the Pita Maha group. One may conclude therefore that his work was of outstanding quality. | (.... - ....) | Sanur | | |  |
GELODOG |  | Ida Bagus Ktut Gelodog | Important and talented woodcarver. Active between 1930-1950. His father was the well known Ida Bagus Ngoerah. According to Rudolf Bonnet; 'Ida Bagus Ngoerah was a respected artist and scholar in Bali. His sons were highly skilled artists, carvers and painters, and kept the family tradition at a high level.
The new carving-style of Ida Bagus Ketoet was therefore well received under the Balinese'.
The photo to the left is from the book ' Hundert Tage auf Bali' ,written by Walter Dreessen, where Gelodog performs a dance. | (1912 - 1978) | Mas | | |  |
GELODOG1 |  | Ida Bagus Ketut Gelodog1 | This second listing shows the older Gelodog with a complete new style of carving; more elonguated and stylish. | (1912 - 1978) | Mas | | |  |
GEREDAG |  | I B Oka Geredag | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Bandoeng in 1938. He was represented with 1 carving. | (.... - ....) | | | |  |
GEREMBOEANG |  | Made Geremboeang | According to Bonnet he is the most creative carver of a new group of carvers that tried new styles during the thirties in Batuan. He started as a maker of Topeng-masks and temple-statues. But later he developed his carving sklills and excelled in ordinary life subjects like mother and child, sitting old man, musician. Geremboeang-statues are very rare and costly.
During a recent art auction in Singapore (May 2010)a Geremboeang-sculpture fetched 25.000 euro | (1912 - 1985) | Mas | | |  |
GEREMBOEANG1 |  | Made Geremboeang | In this second entry two other authentic carvings from Geremboeang. These two were once in the collection of Rudolf Bonnet.
Geremboeang never signed his statues. | (.... - ....) | | | |  |
GERENDENG |  | I Gerendeng | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
GEROEDOEG |  | I Geroedoeg | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 5 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Tebasaja | | |  |
GERUNUNG |  | I Gerunung | His name appears in the catalogue of a Pita Maha exhibition in Batavia in 1937. He was represented there with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | | | |  |
GREDAG |  | Ida Bagus Oka Gredag | | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |
JEDEG |  | I Nyoman Jedeg | Active during the Pita Maha-period(1934-1942). Took part in the second woodcarving exhibition "The Legacy2" in the Puri Lukisam Museum Ubud, Bali, in 2003. | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |
KINTOEN |  | Dewa Kompiang Kintoen | | (.... - ....) | Batuan | | |  |
KISID |  | I Kisid | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in Batavia, September 1936. He was represented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | Batuan | | |  |
KONAK |  | I Konak | His name appears in a catalogue of a Pita Maha exhibition in Bandoeng, November 1936. He was represaented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
LEMPAD |  | I Gusti Nyoman Lempad | Oneof the most reknown artists of Bali.
Worked in his younger years as an architect and stone sculptor. Later he specialized in art, in particular very detailed pen drawings. His woodcarvings were lesser known.See the photo of one of his carvings; a funeral tower.
He was one of the founders of the Pita Maha. He died at the age of 116. | (1862 - 1978) | Bedulu | | |  |
LETJANG |  | I Letjang | This name appears in a catalogue of a Bali art exhibition in Medan 1954. He was represented there with 2 carvings | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |
MANDA |  | Ktut Manda | | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |
MODOL |  | I Modol | His name appears in a catalogue of a Pita Maha exhibition in Bandoeng, November 1938. He was represented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |
NGOERAH |  | Dewa Gede Ngoerah | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in Djokjakarta, 1936. He was represented there with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
NGOERAH |  | Anak Agoeng Gede Ngoerah | Participant of the second Pita Maha exhibition in Batavia 1937. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
NJANA |  | Ida Bagus Njana | Probably the most known woodcarver on Bali. Produced in his younger years traditional carvings of high quality. Later he changed to fat images of women where there was no longer attention for detail but for the perfect line. He always worked with the structure of the wood. The TROPENMUSEUM in Amsterdam has a large collection of pre-war carvings of him. | (1912 - 1985) | Mas | | |  |
NJANA1 |  | Ida Bagus Njana | At this second listing a photo of his greatest master piece and his authentic signature. | (1912 - 1985) | Mas | | |  |
OKA |  | Dewa Gede Oka | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 3 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
PATERE |  | I Patere | Talented and accomplished carver and painter. Only in his later years he started to make woodcarvings. He lived and worked in Batuan, at that time the centre of artists in Bali. Because he died young his sculptures and drawings are extremely rare. | (1900 - 1935) | Batuan | | |  |
POEGEH |  | Ida Bagus Poegeh | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in Bandoeng 1936. He was represented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | Sanur | | |  |
POELOSARI |  | Dewa Gede Poelosari | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in Djokjakarta 1936. He was represented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | Bangli | | |  |
POENDOET |  | I Poendoet | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Tebasaja | | |  |
POETOE |  | Anak Agoeng Poetoe | This name appears in a exhibition catalogue of a Pita Maha sales-exhibition in Batavia , september 1936.
He was represented there with 4 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Sanur | | |  |
RAKA |  | Dewa GD Raka | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 4 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Peliatan | | |  |
RAKA KARSA |  | Ide Bagus Raka Karsa | Active during the Pita Maha years(1934-1942).
No more info. | (.... - ....) | | | |  |
RANGKOES |  | I Rangkoes | Well known carver of animal-statues. He was one of the best among other animal-carvers like I Silur and I Tame. Lived and worked in Njuh Kuning, near Ubud.
His carvings are displayed in the museum Puri Lukisan, Bali. See the photo. | (1922 - ....) | Njuhkuning | | |  |
RANGKOES1 |  | I Rangkoes | Here a second example of his genius.
Not sure if it was he who carved the signature. | (1922 - ....) | Njuh Kuning | | |  |
REGEG |  | I Regeg | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 3 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Badoeng | | |  |
RENTEG |  | Ida Bagus Kompiang Renteg | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in Bandoeng1936. He was represented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | Batuan | | |  |
RODJA |  | I Ktut Rodja | Brother in law of I Geremboeang. Very talented artist who as one of the first Balinese artists made beautiful Art Deco statues. Started his own gallery in the fifties in Mas which is still there
Bonnet mentioned his "intricate female statues", which is certainly true when you look at the photo on the right. In almost all the Pita Maha-brochures his name(and Geremboeang) was at the top of the list and his work demanded the highest prices. One has to assume then that he(and Geremboeang) were the leading carvers at that time. He got politically engaged which resulted in his early death in 1965. | (1917 - 1965) | Mas | | |  |
RODJA1 |  | I Ktut Rodja | This second entry shows an early masterpiece by Ktut Rodja depicting the Hindu god Shiwa. And a photo of his original signature. | (1917 - 1965) | Mas | | |  |
SANDEH |  | I Sandeh | Participent at the first Pita Maha Sales-Exhibition in Batavia 1936. | (.... - ....) | Tebesaja | | |  |
SANGGING |  | Anak Agoeng Ketut | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in Djogjakarta 1936. He was represented there with one carving. | (.... - ....) | Bangli | | |  |
SEDENG |  | I Njoman Sedeng | His name appears in the catalogue of the first Pita Maha exhibition in Djogjakarta in 1936. He was represented with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Mas | | |  |
SILUR |  | I Silur | Expert in animal carvings. His portrait was painted by Rudolf Bonnet in 1956. His carvings were distributed and sold through the Pita Maha group. | (1912 - ....) | Njuh Kuning | | |  |
SOTONG |  | Ida Bagus Ktut Sotong | | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |
TAMA |  | I Mangku Tama | Specialist of animal-carvings.
Active during the Pita Maha period (1934-1942) | (.... - ....) | Njuhkuning | | |  |
TAMAN |  | Ida Bagus Poetoe Taman | Brother of I Patere. Became member and chaiman of the Pita Maha selection committee which determined the quality of the carvings and drawings. Like his brother a very talented carver. His carving of a sitting old man, now in the collection of the "VOLKENKUNDIG MUSEUM" in Leiden-Holland resembles that of the famous Geremboeang carving. | (1873 - 1953) | Mas | | |  |
TAMAN1 |  | Ida Bagus Poetoe Taman | A second carving by Taman and his photo. | (.... - ....) | | | |  |
TAME |  | I Tame | Specialist in animal carvings.
The carving on the picture was donated by Bonnet to the Volkenkunde Museum in leiden, Holland. | (.... - ....) | Njuhkuning | | |  |
TANGGAP |  | I Tanggap | His name apears in a brochure of a sales exhibition of the Pita Maha in 1936. He was represented there with 2 carvings. | (.... - ....) | Bangli | | |  |
TOENDOEN |  | I Toendoen | Active during the 1930s | (.... - ....) | unknown | | |  |