Art from Bali and Indonesia
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Whole collection > Woodcarvings - Pre War > TOBO-00742 > View all pictures of this artwork > Picture-5899

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Wooden statue of a chameleon made by Bali mastercarver I Rangkoes.
Animal carving full of magic. Carved with a lot of skills by animal specialist I Rangkoes from the village Njuh Kuning near Ubud on Bali. A second and similar chameleon by Rangkoes is displayed in the Puri Lukisan Museum in Ubud, Bali.(see photo&text) This carving is published in the book by Dr R Goris; Bali, Atlas Kebudajaan, Cults and Customs ,1952. It was selected and bought by Rudolf Bonnet, who must have been impressed with this magnificent art work
Very good quality
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